*This class is delivered remotely using the Zoom virtual meeting platform. Zoom link will be shared with enrolled employees.
Class Code: SoNM-1653-48
Pursuant to the State-Tribal Collaboration Act: All state agency managers and employees who have ongoing communication with Indian nations, tribes or pueblos shall complete a training provided by the state personnel office with assistance from the Indian affairs department, which training supports: (1) the promotion of effective communication and collaboration between state agencies and Indian nations, tribes or pueblos; (2) the development of positive state-tribal government-to-government relations; and (3) cultural competency in providing effective services to American Indians or Alaska Natives.
In this training, participants will develop a better understanding of how to engage and collaborate with Native communities in New Mexico. Participants will learn the omitted history of Native Nations in this country and its impact, as well as best practices of New Mexico Tribes and Pueblos. Through the duration of the course, participants will engage in interactive exercises to grow their awareness and knowledge of what it means to work more collaboratively with Native Peoples.
If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an accommodation to participate in a State Personnel training, please email
Links: Register on ELM