Labor Relations
The State Personnel Office (SPO) was selected by the Governor as the union contract administrator to ensure proper guidance, training and oversight for all state agencies.
The main objective of the Labor Relations Divison (LRD) is to act as the labor contract administrator for the state of New Mexico, which works actively with state agencies and signatory unions in administering the Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) that benefit the state and its unionized workforce. In this capacity, the division works closely with various state agencies to ensure consistent application of the CBAs and that they are properly administered in the spirit in which they were negotiated.
The LRD promotes a harmonious and cooperative relationship between state agencies and labor organizations, which works to protect the public interest by ensuring an orderly operation for the state. This approach focuses on three main ideals and values that will help ensure management and the unions work collaboratively to the best of their abilities. The foundation of the Labor-Management Philosophy is trust, respect and cooperation.
Services Provided
LRD conducts monthly meetings for management personnel. The intent of these meetings is to update and educate management on evolving labor issues and to advise attorneys in matters that may require legal action.
Collective Bargaining Agreements
LRD is distinctively involved in every aspect of CBAs. The Bureau participates in negotiations with the three unions that currently have CBAs. The LRD is responsible for formatting, printing and distributing the contract, while ensuring the language that was agreed upon is the language contained within the contract. After the contract has been distributed, the LRD becomes the overseer for deadlines and specific provisions within the contracts.
LRD works with agencies and the union if the parties want to draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The LRD will determine if the MOU is necessary and will approve or deny the request. This is important because MOUs will then become an extension of the CBA.