Registration required. “Living in a Union Environment” (LIUE) was developed for supervisors and managers to help them understand that both management and unions have rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), the Public Employee Bargaining Act (PEBA) and the CBAs. This is an introductory course that gives a brief history of how the labor organizations came into the State, the grievance process, performance appraisals, arbitration, Prohibited Practice Complaints (PPC), and Labor Management Committees (LMC). This interactive course provides an overview of the CBAs, as well as interpretation of language and better understanding of processes and problem solving techniques. The Living in a Union Environment course received national recognition by the National Association of Personnel Executives (NASPE) in 2009. Finally, local universities in New Mexico have partnered with the LRB to adopt this training course for their needs. If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an accommodation to participate in a State Personnel training, please email