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Labor Relations Training Course Descriptions
Living in a Union Environment
“Living in a Union Environment” (LIUE). This training course was developed for supervisors and managers to help them understand that both management and unions have rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), the Public Employee Bargaining Act (PEBA) and the CBAs. This is an introductory course that gives a brief history of how the labor organizations came into the State, the grievance process, performance appraisals, arbitration, Prohibited Practice Complaints (PPC), and Labor Management Committees (LMC). This interactive course provides an overview of the CBAs, as well as interpretation of language and better understanding of processes and problem solving techniques. The Living in a Union Environment course received national recognition by the National Association of Personnel Executives (NASPE) in 2009. Finally, local universities in New Mexico have partnered with the LRB to adopt this training course for their needs.
Along with the introductory LIUE course, the LRB is developing an advanced class for state human resource managers and state agency attorneys. The advanced course is focused more on the legal responsibilities of the parties, how to prepare for arbitration and PPC hearings, and how to properly respond when disputes arise.
Living in a Union Environment (LIUE) – Refresher Course
This training is for Supervisors, Managers, and HR professionals only.
The purpose of this course is to serve as a refresher to those supervisors, managers and HR professionals that have already attended the LIUE training. This four (4) hour course is aimed at recalling and reinforcing previously acquired knowledge. This training takes into consideration each agency’s unique needs. The Labor Relations Division (LRD) will work with your HR Director to tailor the training material to address those needs. Please work through your local agency HR staff to schedule this training for your agency.
If you are interested in scheduling this refresher course for your agency, please contact Sandy Martinez (Sandy.Martinez@state.nm.us) or Drew Lovelace via email (Drew.Lovelace@state.nm.us). Sandy or Drew will work directly with you to identify a date, time and exact location to conduct the training.
Workplace Investigations
This training is for Supervisors and managers only.
Most managers, supervisors and human resource professionals will need to conduct at least one workplace investigation during the course of their careers. The goal of this training is to provide managers and supervisors with the tools to conduct workplace investigations utilizing methods applied by experienced workplace investigators. The State Personnel Office believes the objective of a good workplace investigation is to improve the factual basis of decision-making. the information provided in this course promotes conducting quality, prompt and fair investigations.
Contract Training
Once a contract has been ratified, the LRB conducts training that highlights changes in the new contract. The LRB develops and organizes the training and material presented to management on a statewide level with assistance from state agencies. The Bureau also works collaboratively with the unions to develop training material, which is presented by both parties at an agency level.